The Racohi® RCH-S-60 professional suction dryer is used for soft and delicate work, to remove sharp edges, to soften roughness, polish, remove calamine, rust, old paints, as well as to treat non-metallic surfaces. A distinctive feature of the machine is its low compressed air consumption. Stable, pulse-free work begins when 0.8m3/min of compressed air is available at a pressure of 5.0-8.0 PSI
Racohi® RCH-S-60 professional suction dripping equipment includes abrasive storage hopper and "iD" injector, specially designed to ensure lower discharge and mix of abrasive and compressed air that feeds the projection gun nozzle through the dripping hose.
The abrasive dripping gun incorporates airflow nozzle through which compressed air is inserted into the mixing chamber, passing through the abrasive dripping nozzle that has a standard diameter twice as large as the compressed air nozzle. The abrasive is driven to the mixing chamber of the dripping gun and finally to the nozzle, where the abrasive particles accelerate and impact the surface to be treated.
Professional, easy-to-use portable equipment for high-quality work. It is widely used in automotive repair workshops, restoration work, timber industry and glass workshops.
The Racohi® RCH-S-60 professional suction machine works with medium density abrasives and grain size 0.2 - 1.6 mm. The most common: corundum, silicon carbide, mineral slag (copper or coal), glass and plastic sphere, as well as other abrasives used in abrasive dripping treatments. The Racohi® professional suction dryer RCH-S-60 is delivered ready for use. You just have to connect compressed air.

- Weight
- Pressure (PSI)
3 – 6
- Tank Capacity
- Productivity (m2/h)
hasta 6